NikLyn Corp is a manufacturing specialist from design to delivery; we are capable of supplying our customers with a turnkey option. Along with our large manufacturing capacity and vast network of high quality fabricators we also boast a high end coating facility, which ensures a short lead-time with high consistent quality.
* Manufacturing
* Powder Coating
* Painting & Silk Screening
* Abrasive Blasting (Sandblasting)
* Lead Abatement Blasting & Stripping
* Fireproofing Coatings
* Fabrication & Design
* Assembly and Custom Packaging
* Inventory Control

• Farm Equipment
• Truck Bodies and Accessories
• Hand Carts
• OEM product lines
NikLyn Corp & the Suraci Family have been delivering paint and powder coating services for over three generations. We pride ourselves on our Customer Service, High Quality, Competitive Pricing, and Short Lead Times (1 to 3 days) We also boast one of the largest capacities for coating in the Northeast, with over 120,000 facility located centrally between Boston,MA and New York City.
We are a WBE owned business.
Lets us help you be more competitive by delivering your products quickly, with consistent quality, and doing it at a lower cost.
- Saving you money through knowledge and state of the art technology.
- Deliver your products to your customer before your competition does.
- Save on coating cost allowing your end price to be more competitive.
It can't hurt to have us give you a quote today Just click here to begin or call us at 860-440-6244 and ask for estimating. Or Call Sales directly 203-996-4799
Powder Coating, Wet Painting & Sandblasting

Our Facilities covering over 120,000 sq. feet. Our Paint and Powder coating facilities delivers your product in 1 to 3 days with 24hrs turnaround when needed. Sizes from as small as a screw to as large as 60Ton bridge beam.
Production or Batch capacities with large capacity ovens and high-speed lines.
Items as large as 80' x 12' x 10’
Abrasive blast cleaning done in house with no long wait times between blast cleaning and primer.
DOT Approved or Certified: CT, MA, RI,NY, & NJ. If you need a project done for a state project or DOT please allow us to become certified or approved with our experience, history and processes; its usually just a few days to complete.
- Sandblasting and Stripping / Lead Abatement
- SureKote™ Galv 10 & 12 systems
- Specializing in Certified SureKote™ Systems 5 to 20yr Warranties
- Paint, Powder Coating or Mix Process
- AESS standards
- Automated Systems
- 5 Powder & Wet Coating Systems
- 3,5 & 8 Stage Intergraded Cleaning Systems Iron/Zinc
- Chem Film Mil-DTL-5541 Iriddite Finishes
- Largest Batch Capacity Parts as Large as a Tractor Trailer
- Small Projects to Large Ones
Having such large coating lines for both liquid or powder coating processes allows us to turn your product around quickly.

Precision hand spray to robotic finishing; whether you have one prototype or millions of parts, we are your solution.
- Military Coatings
- Aerospace
- Telecommunications
- Automotive
- Medical
- OEM's

Chem-Film, Iridite, Chromate Alodine Finishes

We supply our customers with high quality Chem-Film pretreatments, from Non Hex clear to yellow finishes.
Our systems are designed to support Mil- Spec MIL-C-5541 finish. We have large tank lines and smaller ones from 8’ x 5’ x 5’ to smaller basket lines.
Reduce lead times and no lot charges on items that we top coat or screen print.

WMBE Owned
Contact information
Mailing Address
PO Box 268
Durham, CT 06422
Call for shipping address & dock times
400 Sackett Point Rd.
North Haven, CT 06473
Office: 1-860-440-6244
Sales Direct: 203-996-4799
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